
Colic The medical definition of Colic (also known as infant colic, three-month colic, infantile colic and colic)  is an infant crying intensely more than three days a week, for more than three hours, for more than three weeks in a month. However many babies exhibit...

Birth trauma

Birth trauma A baby’s skull is designed to allow descent though the birth canal.  The cranial bones have the ability to overlap and bend somewhat to accommodate the birth.  This process is called moulding.   Immediately after birth a baby’s head can be very pointed or...


Sleep A newborn baby can sleep up to 18 hours/day. Some babies will naturally fall asleep when they are tired but most babies will need to learn how to go to sleep.   Babies have sleep cycles of approximately  45 minutes. Looking for tired signs is crucial to...


Reflux The symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux or GORD are variable but typically the baby cries often, is difficult to get to sleep and then often sleeps for only 20 – 30 minutes before waking up crying again. They often arch their body backwards, and want to be...