Children & Teenagers

Osteopathy treatment for Pregnancy & lactation
Osteopathic help for mothers and mothers-to-be
If you’re in pain, you don’t have to be. Come and see our North Shore osteopath when pregnant, after giving birth or when breastfeeding for safe, effective treatment.
Pregnancy pain
It is common for pregnant women to suffer pain during their pregnancy. This doesn’t mean it is necessary! Pains such as low back pain, sacroiliac pain, sciatica and pubic symphysis dysfunction can often be helped with osteopathic treatment.
Sometimes as the baby is growing, scar tissue from previous pregnancies, surgeries or inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis may become painful. Treatment can often help to alleviate this issue.
Osteopathic treatment after childbirth
We can also give advice and treatment for post-partum issues such as sacroiliac instability or diastasis recti (when the abdominal muscle has split).
Many new mums suffer from neck and shoulder pain from many hours of breast or bottle-feeding. There is also a condition called “mummy’s thumb” which results in pain at the base of the thumb. This results from having the thumb constantly extended when holding the baby’s head. Early treatment is important to stop this from becoming chronic tendinitis.
Osteos can help with feeding issues
Lactation consultants are increasingly referring mums with breastfeeding issues to osteopaths. Many times, the issue is to do with the baby’s inability to turn its neck symmetrically or open its mouth wide enough due to a strain in the baby’s jaw. Sometimes the baby is too distressed from the pregnancy or delivery to relax and comfortably feed.
Tongue tie can still be a controversial issue, but treatment may help to relax the muscles under and around the tongue, giving it greater freedom of movement and improving the ability to latch.
Seeing an osteopath when pregnant, after giving birth or breastfeeding is safe
All our osteopathic treatments are comfortable and pose no risk to the mother or baby.
About Us
Jill and Chris were both trained in the U.K and started Osteoworks back in 2004 when they moved to N.Z from London with their son.
09 473 3529