About Osteopathy
How Does an Osteopath Work? Osteopathy Is All Hands-On!Most of the extensive treatment time will be spent working directly on your problem and areas related to it.
Some osteopathic therapies commonly rely solely on spinal manipulation (that’s clicking the joints) while others are more exercise-based with only a small amount of direct treatment in each visit.

The osteopathic techniques Used At Osteoworks
How does an osteopath work? They routinely spend around half an hour each visit using a variety of techniques to restore health to different structures. The osteo treatments at Osteoworks may include spinal and peripheral joint manipulation, a wide range of soft tissue techniques (not just massage), and cranial osteopathy.
Osteopathic treatments are thorough, broad-ranging and more effective because they don’t just focus on the painful area, but also look at other factors contributing to the problem.

Tailoring Osteopathy Treatment To The Individual And Age Range
As treatments are patient-focused and individualised, osteopathy is suitable for all age groups from newborn babies to the elderly and from athletes to office workers. The techniques we use often depend on the person – not one size fits all.
The Osteoworks osteopaths will often also suggest exercises to help to prevent problems and maintain improvements achieved through treatment.
For History Buffs

As a system and philosophy of manual therapy, osteopathy was founded in the USA back in 1890 by Andrew Taylor Still. He had many of his formative years during the trauma of the American Civil war but also wanted to provide an alternative to the widespread quackery of potions and miraculous ointments being sold to an unsuspecting public.
Since then, it has become recognised as part of the national health system in many western countries and osteopathy has spread rapidly throughout the Americas, Europe and Australasia, with training colleges in many countries, including New Zealand.
The Aims Of Osteopathy

Osteopathic treatment encourages the body to move as freely and as pain-free as possible and aims to restore normal function to affected structures – nerves, joints, muscles, the circulatory system, lymphatic system and other tissues in the body.
In addition to common tests recognized and used by most manual therapists for diagnosis, osteopaths use skilled touch, movement and observation to diagnose and treat physiological or mechanical disturbances in the body. These disturbances can be quite subtle and not detected by the standard tests commonly used.
To become an osteopath requires 4-5 years of training at university level.
About Us
Jill and Chris were both trained in the U.K and started Osteoworks back in 2004 when they moved to N.Z from London with their son.
09 473 3529