Groin and testicular pain

Groin and testicular pain Groin pain can have local causes or be due to referred pain. Referred pain means the cause isn’t at the site of the pain. Groin pain may be caused by musculoskeletal problems or by disease processes, which may also cause painless swelling of...

Sacro iliac joint

Sacro iliac joint Sacro iliac problems are easily confused with low back or hip problems, so they can be overlooked as the cause of pain.   Typically, the pain from a problem with this joint will be felt in the groin, inner thigh or in the buttock.  The actual joint...

Pregnancy back pain

Pregnancy back pain Many pregnant women experience back pain and are commonly told that it is ‘normal’ and that there is no effective treatment.  The results we have had say different. Both the mechanical stresses and the hormonal changes in the body can lead to the...

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is one of the most frequent reasons people come to see us.  The problem can be muscular low back pain or spinal low back pain in origin. If you’ve had acute problems/spasms  with your lower back you’ll know just how much we...

Muscle spasms

Muscle spasms Muscle spasms can be severe, but short lived if treated. There are two main kinds we see in clinic: Those that accompany a joint problem in the spine Those that happen because the person overloaded the muscle, usually because of a sudden and very strong...

Rib pain

Rib pain How can it happen? Rib pain can show up in unexpected places, and the majority of cases we’ve seen most of it clears up quickly after 2 or 3 treatments. It often starts with a upper body twisting movement or with forceful backward pulling of the...